Ephemeral Becomes Indelible

Where the Ephemeral Becomes Indelible

 In the idyllic setting of our amphitheatre, nature provides a unique and ever-changing backdrop for  world-class dance that will move you in positive and meaningful ways. Located 500 feet above bucolic  Lake Waramaug, in the foothills of the Berkshire Mountains, our eco-friendly outdoor performance venue ushers visitors into a veritable garden of earthly delights. 

The Amphitheatre @ Dansereye is a naturally-occuring, not artificially-engineered, immersive  experience. With its gardens, watercourses and historic connection to the Thyberg family’s legacy of  stewardship, this sacred space is a living testament to our mission. 

A Rich History &  Commitment to Sustainability

The Amphitheatre is perched on a 5-acre tract, the last remaining parcel from 400-acres of pristine land  and natural wonders. Native boulders form the hardscape of the Amphitheatre, harvested from and preserving something of each of the Mountain Lake properties. This lapidary marvel  is an intentional design feature that pays tribute to the property’s rich history. Sculpted into tiered  lawns for audience seating, there is no bad seat in the house. 

The remaining 395 acres of the former campgrounds, renamed the Mountain Lake Preserve and  Cunningham Nature Preserve, is now held in perpetuity by The Warren Land Trust. It is the linchpin in a  much broader effort to protect over 1,000 contiguous acres of vital watershed, restoring wildlife corridors and habitat for hundreds of species of flora and fauna.  

This partnership ensures that future generations will be able to enjoy and experience the numinous  beauty found here ~ a sensitive and conscious response to what our role can be in making this corner of  the world resilient for the future.  

Lake Waramaug is named after Chief Waramaug. Dansereye acknowledges the ancestral territory of Chief Waramaug, sachem of an alliance of local tribes, including the Schaghticokes and Weatinokes.

“Does nature notice us at all? I think she does.”

– Petra Hammesfahr

The Gardens @ Dansereye

“Show me a garden that’s bursting into life.”
Snow Patrol

Pollinator Garden

Throughout the amphitheatre, hundreds of native perennials and flowering shrubs attract butterflies, bees and countless birds, putting on a dazzling show of color and movement.

Finney's Point

Across a stone footbridge, Finney’s Point is a secluded spot for reflection and meditation, affectionately named for Dansereye’s official mascot, Finney.

Woodland Garden

Tucked into massive outcroppings of rock ledge, this dappled shade garden evokes a sense of mystery, reminiscent of a painting by Henri Rousseau.

Bog Garden

At the intersection of the mountain stream and a seasonal watercourse, wetland wildflowers and unusual species of willows adorn the banks and provide habitat for local fauna.

Amphitheatre Trail

Beyond the performance space itself, in an old-growth forest, a gentle trail winds along the stream and through a lush understory of mountain laurel and witch hazel, dotted with glacial erratics and vernal pools.

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Click to Enlarge

.The Gardens @ Dansereye are designed by Richard Rosiello ~ Rosiello Designs, Kit Lundberg ~ M&Z Gardening, and Scott Thyberg.

The Amphitheatre was constructed by Michael O’Connell ~ O’Connell  Property Care.

Amphitheatre photos by Peter Oberc.